Picture of the week

January 16, 2011

Sunset oak silhouette

Silhouette at sunset of some oak trees out along Scott road south of Folsom. This area is located next to a planned hard rock quarry by Teichert Aggregate to support more urban sprawl for the next housing bubble cycle. To get this approved by the Sacto county board of supervisors they made a deal to provide additional funding of $200K for 2 years to the American River parkway general fund for additional rangers.  Although funds for the parkway are much needed given the budget situation, it seems to me that Teichert Aggregate took advantage of a weak position the county is currently in with its budget. They in my mind "made a deal with the devil" for a relatively short term gain. In the long run, having a constant stream of gravel trucks south of highway 50, and the continued urban sprawl this will fuel will undermine the general quality of life for the surrounding area.  For more background you can read the pro-developer article here. You can see more of my images for this surrounding area potentially to be impacted by this mining operation here.
