Picture of the week

May 13, 2018

Wildflowers of Kanaka Valley

Harvest Brodiaea

A harvest brodiaea wildflower as found in Kanaka Valley.  This is in a little known preserve on BLM lands near Rescue, California and the South Fork of the American River.  Getting a tip from a friend over at California Fish and Wildlife, I visited the area a couple of weeks back. I was pleasantly surprised about how pristine the area is with undisturbed grasslands, beautiful oak savannahs, and meandering streams.  Taking my time, I noticed quite a nice variety of wildflowers, as well as many native pollinators.  Being there in the late afternoon with partly cloudy skies, the light was ideal for some photography.  During my hike, I couldn't help but saying out loud: "Wow, this is what I like about California".

The wildflower images shown on this page were all taken with my Canon 70D with an EF 100-400mm L f/4.5-5.6 mk2 lens.  This lens is just as remarkable for its macro capabilities as it is for telephoto properties for wildlife.  The bokeh that I can achieve with it is quite pleasant, while also able to photograph insects from a bit more distance, and thus less likely to scare them off.
