Stephen Fischer photography

Welcome to the photographic galleries, interests, and travels of Stephen Fischer. There is a special emphasis towards landscape, wildlife, and adventure travel related photography. Stephen is based out of Sacramento, California, with an emphasis on California and the American West.  More locally this site represents a specialty in some of the natural landscapes of the area such as the American River Parkway, the oak woodlands of the surrounding foothills, and some of the local wildlife preserves for bird related photography. 

You can find details for some of these favorite local shooting locations for landscape and wildlife on the menu to the left marked 'Local locations'.  On a broader basis, Stephen's photographic coverage also spans most of the northern and central portion of California from the Pacific coast to the Eastern Sierras, White Mountains, and Death Valley. Out-of-state coverage includes Alaska, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Southern Utah. You can find many of his favorite images for these locations under the 'Image Gallery' menu item.  To get a sampling on a weekly basis of fresh photographic results from recent trips and photo excursions, along with a small blog accompanying the image, check out the 'Picture of the week' link.  An ongoing compendium of Stephen's select bird images is also on display under the 'Bird Library' link. To the right, are reports and images of more recent trips for the purpose of high quality photography. For even more content, also see Stephen's YouTube channel: Stephen Fischer's YouTube channel or Flickr site:  Steve's Flickr site

All content and images are property of Stephen Fischer Photography, copyright 2009-2024  :