This is a photographic essay on urban
beekeeping as experienced by my separated spouse Mojgan. I have observed
from the beginning how she expressed interest in raising honey bees with the
symbiotic tie-in to her gardening interests. I personally came from a
background of being slightly leery of bees after a childhood incident in
which myself and two of my brothers were attacked by a swarm of bumble bees
after playing around on some rusty farm equipment, not
realizing there was a hive underneath. Fast forward about 30 years, and now
I am getting an opportunity to be exposed and educated on bees on a more
physical and mature basis. The first thing one realizes who is new to
this area is how important it is to understand the psychology of bees and
how they work together in a colony. It is also important to
distinguish some of the basic differences between species (don't make the
mistake to lump them in with wasps and hornets), some more
benign and beneficial than others. Honey bees are categorized as
pollinators, which tend to be focused on gathering nectar and maintaining
their hive, while others can be more predatory such as yellow jacket wasps
and not considered as positive (although the do play a role in cleaning up
as scavengers). The more knowledgeable gardeners categorize
honey bees and like pollinators as "beneficial insects" (along with many
other species) and understand their value to the garden and agriculture for
pollination as a whole, encouraging their presence or even importing them to
improve the productivity of their crops.
From a selfish human point of view, another important
thing to know about honey bees is that they do not intend you any harm; that
is unless you disturb their hive. Disturbing implies moving or
jostling the hive once they have established it as a home. Thus it is
typically okay to approach a hive within a few feet and observe them without
any threat of being stung. This is especially true for more
domesticated hives that are more accustomed to humans versus those found in
the wild. The biggest hazard is avoiding their flyway out of the hive
that they use on their way to various foraging areas. If you get caught up
in it, one could accidently fly into your hair, and if you jostle around too
much trying to get the bee off,
you could get stung. But keep in mind, the bee was just minding its
business and you did the equivalent of jumping into the middle of a road
with fast moving cars zooming by you in both directions.
Beneficial wasp |
Carpenter bee |
Can't you see I'm working |
Is that a bird or a bee? |
All content and images are property of Stephen Fischer Photography, copyright 2011. Last updated: 7/06/2011